3 easy steps
sign up your business and advertise immediately

sign up

registration is quick and easy
no risk - no hardware - no integration - no contract

create advertisements

easily create digital advertisements
and publish them instantly on the klosebuy app

discover insights

all your customers and advertising data
is collected and organized in real time

1 easy step ... have klosebuy professionally managed for your business!

learn more

for every size business

join today - advertise today
without hardware, setup, integration, or waiting!

The moment you subscribe, our location based technology geolocates your business and is searchable by consumers using both the web and mobile app. You can begin creating your own digital advertisements & loyalty rewards right away. Tell your existing customers you are a klosebuy business and they can view your exclusive advertisements and rewards. Klosebuy will reward your customers for joining and following your business.


proven results achieved by klosebuy businesses

79% promo usage rate

percentage of customers who are using digital promotions

13.1 hours to first spend

average time from customer acquisition to first promo usage

4.8monthly transactions / customer

average monthly digital promo usages per customer

34% customer growth

average month-over-month growth of customer database

klosebuy blog latest posts

September 10, 2024
Banking On Digital Platforms – A Klosebuy Perspective

women in a business meeting shaking someones hand.Regional commercial banks and community banks play a vital role in the growth of small and medium-sized businesses in their communities. SMBs rely on them for financial services and solutions that drive their business forward. However, traditional banking services are no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of SMBs in today’s competitive landscape. How ... read more

August 27, 2024
How User-Friendly Digital Tools Are Helping Small Businesses – Klosebuy 

Bakery Owner Looking At TabletSmall business owners often feel overwhelmed by the idea of integrating new technology into their operations. At Klosebuy, we understand this sentiment all too well. We recognize that for many small business owners, the prospect of delving into digital tools can be daunting. Our platform is specifically designed to alleviate these concerns. That is why ... read more

August 20, 2024
Klosebuy’s Commitment to Making Small Business Digital Tools More Accessible

Customer checking out at a flower shopAt Klosebuy, our mission has always been clear: to help small businesses by providing them with the tools and support they need to thrive and realize their entrepreneurial dreams. As we look back on our journey and anticipate the road ahead, we are filled with both pride and excitement. We’ve built a platform that is ... read more

process 2

klosebuy app

consumers use the klosebuy app to
find, favorite, and follow your business

Your business is seen immediately on mobile devices! Consumers find your business, view your advertisements, redeem your rewards, and save and share them socially - all through the app.

Available for iOS and Android.

increase sales & store visits
unlimited access to every tool you need!

digital advertising

Optimize your marketing budget. Instantly reach a large audience of consumers with custom advertisements.

Easily create, monitor, and edit your web and mobile promotions while keeping your content fresh

loyalty program

Boost customer engagement and retention with loyalty points

Award loyalty points for customers to redeem at your business

push notifications

Drive repeat business by delivering your messages, offers and promotions instantly to your customers' mobile phones.

Boost slow traffic with a Flash Sale! Everyone checks their phone when it buzzes!

customer data

Unlimited customer database. Know who your customers are and what inspires them.

See your customers' activity in detail - viewing, saving or sharing advertisements, and redeeming rewards

reports & analytics

See the growth of your business and the success of your advertisements in real time

Instantly adjust your advertisements and know what works for your audience

automated emails

Keep your brand fresh and your promotions top of mind

Klosebuy schedules promotional emails that keep your advertisements in front of consumers

web & social

Increase your business’ web presence and attract more attention to your brand

Your business and advertisements are easily shared across many social networks

easy to find

Get discovered! Acquire new customers when they find your business easily on Klosebuy.

More foot traffic! Your business is geolocated so your listing and advertisements appear automatically to local consumers.

have multiple or franchise locations?

klosebuy has a custom solution for you too!


are you ready to be a part of klosebuy?